
Hello internet friends! 👋

I'm Adam Evers. I like coffe, people, bacon and gifs AND AND AND it's my birthday! Last year I donated my birthday to charity:water. With all your help, I was able to raise $390 which provided 13 people with access to clean water. Way to go fam but this year I want to do something a little different and raise the stakes 💁!

The plan 🎉

This year let's go big ... real big. I want to raise $10,000 and with YOUR help that money will fund a water project for a community or a school. HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE? FAM we can do this. You could be apart of funding a water project and providing access to clean water for an entire community or school. With all the shit happening in the world - let's show the world what some internet friends can do together when we all work together.

okay but why

So if my pitch to change the world didn't work ... let me appeal to your more capatilistic tendencies. Anyone that donates more than $10 will be added to the "donor" section of this website which I will be promoted throughout the year ANDDDDD to the 6 people that donate the most money, they will get to pick from a list of prizes that I've curated.


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